Monday, 3 August 2009

Back 2 Mac - No more?

I was speaking to my friend on Saturday and she infomed me that one of the girls at her local Mac counter had told her they were going to be stopping Back 2 Mac and she should bring her empties in asap as they didn't have a date to when it would be stopped. Apparently they will be phasing it out.

Has anyone else heard of this? I'm planning to depot all of my Mac items apart from my lipsticks as soon as I can. It seems like such a bad idea to stop the recycling but maybe they might bring out refillable compacts which in my eyes would be a great idea!

Let me know if you have heard anything about this!



  1. OMG I really hope not I have only just got my first 5 empties.

  2. oh gooooosh ! PLEASE DONT STOP B2M :( lovely blog sweetheart, can't wait till you get some more posts up! I'm your newest follower :D would mean a lot to me if you could check out my blog too! xoxoxo

  3. yehh, it's being phased out because of the company the empties are sent to can no longer do it or something. But no one at metro has said anything about an actual date around abouts, so it's still ok for a while. Come bring your empties to meee!!! =)

  4. Laura - Thank you! It's in desparate need of updating. I will do! :]

    Vicky - I saw you the other day but you looked busy so I didn't want to interrupt you. I will do. I'm just going to go depot and decant crazy on everything!

